Tuesday, 17 July 2018

IVF Center in India- for those who are not able to conceive

IVF center in India is beneficial for those who are not able to conceive and are facing infertility due to any of the reasons through which they are not able to give birth to the child despite of their unprotected intercourse for more than a year. Infertility can be known in a year when a couple is doing the efforts on regular basis but despite that the woman is not able to conceive or we can say that the result is not being obtained but this is because of any one to be met with the disease known as infertility and it should be cured soon by taking the proper medications and treatments in this regard but if it is not been treated so the experts should recommend IVF treatments through which the eggs and sperms of the intended parents are being fertilized in the laboratory dish and then the embryo is being produced by this fertilization process and after 3 to 5 days this embryo is being transferred in the intended mother’s uterus to grow it in the mother’s womb and so form the baby. There are so many IVF centers in India but now the question arises in the minds of the patients consulting that which center to choose so the center with all the facilities and low price should be preferable by most of the patients. 

Different types of IVF Treatments in India

There are so many different types of IVF treatments in India and some of them are as under:-
·         Suppression: - During suppression, the experts can suggest the drugs which are very much helpful and continue for about 2 to 4 weeks at home in the form of injections and medicines.
·         Supply of eggs: - Before doing IVF treatments in India an injections procedure is being carried on for about 12 days which helps in increasing the supply of eggs to the maximum.
·         Monitoring process: - Before eggs are being ready for supplied, it should be properly monitored that what should the growth of the eggs be by properly seen it in the ultrasound scan before eggs are ready to be fertilized should be properly observed.
·         Egg collection:- Eggs should be collected which is the next step of your IVF Treatments in India where eggs should be collected with the help of the needle which is being injected in the uterus by the experts in order to retrieve qualitative eggs.
·         Egg Fertilization: - After eggs retrieval and sperms retrieval procedure is over then the next step is to fertilized the same and it should be monitored and the process should be observed well by experts and under their observation it takes around 2 to 3 days to form a fertilized embryo.
·         Embryo Transfer: - Embryo transfer is the next step for IVF Treatment in India where after fertilization and embryo so formed it will take about 3 to 5 days for embryo to be transferred.
·         Pregnancy Tests :- After all the process to be completed it takes about 2 weeks after embryo transfer to make a pregnancy tests by IVF Treatment in India in order to make sure about the pregnancy.

Success rate of IVF treatment in India

Success rate of IVF treatment in India basically depends on the age of the woman and also the quality of the eggs and sperms used as success rate at the age of late 30s is about 60-80% as seen by GO IVF SURROGACY whereas for the success rate at the age of 40s or above is only 50-60% as seen by GO IVF SURROGACY.

 Get IVF Cost Calculator Please Fill This Form  :- https://goo.gl/forms/Mvb8WrH8Mlofw5aI2


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  2. Here is the list of the top 10 IVF Centers in India with great treatment packages, the highest success rates, services and the best IVF specialists in India. These names have been chosen based on the patients’ opinions, their treatment quality and the qualified specialists they have.
