Friday, 11 August 2017

What are fibroids?

The fibroid is a noncancerous tumor that grows from your muscle layers of your uterus. They are also known as uterine fibroids or myomas. The size of the Fibroids can vary, from that of a bean size to as large as a size of water melon.

Fibroids Surgery in India

Your fertility expert will check that whether you are pregnant before they begin Fibroids Surgery in India. The fact is that fibroids in your uterus do not mean that you are infertile; in many cases, women have successfully achieved the pregnancy with fibroids in their uterus. Sometimes the fibroids are only diagnosed on for the first time when an ultrasound is conducted during pregnancy. 

Procedures of Fibroids Surgery in India

The following are the procedure for Fibroids Surgery in India:

a)    Hysterectomy: Hysterectomy is the surgical procedure of where your uterus will be removed and this is the most common treatment for fibroids. According to study, the hysterectomy is the only permanent cure for fibroids. However, after the Hysterectomy Fibroids Surgery in India, the women cannot carry the pregnancy in her womb or become pregnant. Hysterectomy is a procedure which your surgeon will consider when your uterus reaches the size at 12 weeks of pregnancy. 

Earlier, the doctor recommends a hysterectomy because such large fibroids could hide the presence of cancer of the uterus. Usually, a hysterectomy is performed through an incision made in your abdomen. Sometimes your fertility expert needs to remove your ovaries in addition to your uterus and cervix. However, removing the ovaries decision will depend on your age and health. 

b)    Myomectomy: Myomectomy is a procedure in which your surgeon will remove the fibroids without removing your uterus. Myomectomy Fibroids Surgery in India is a procedure which preserves the ability of the women to bear children. However, a successful pregnancy is not guaranteed. In some cases, there are the chances of heavy bleeding when the fibroids are removed and in such conditions, women need a blood transfusion after a Myomectomy Surgery India than after a hysterectomy. Women can also at the higher risk for problems such as infection, blood clots in the legs etc. There are chances of fibroids to grow back again after Myomectomy Surgery India and another surgery may be required to remove the fibroids.  A Myomectomy Surgery India is also performed through an incision made in your abdomen. Sometimes a Myomectomy Surgery India can be performed with the assistance of a laparoscope.

c)    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): An MRI scan is performed by your surgeon to locate the location of the fibroids. Your surgeon will use very fine needles that need to be inserted through your skin and pushed until they reach the targeted fibroids. A laser light goes through the fiber-optic cable which hits the fibroids and shrinks them.

Fibroids Surgery Cost in India
The Fibroids Surgery Cost in Indiais very less when it is compared with the other western countries; it is relatively cheap because the medications in India are very cheap.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Get Laparoscopic Treatment India

Laparoscopy India is a surgical procedure which involves the insertion of a narrow telescope which looks like an instrument through a small incision in your belly button. This procedure of Laparoscopy India will allow the surgeon to visualize the abdominal and pelvic organs including the area of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. 

Why is Laparoscopic Treatment India performed?

Laparoscopic Treatment India helps your surgeon to diagnose and treat problems in the reproductive organs. It can also help your surgeon to find the cause of symptoms, such as pain or bleeding and also the reason that stopping you to get pregnant. In most of the cases, the surgeon is able to treat the problem during the same procedure. Laparoscopic Treatment India may be done to find or to treat the following conditions:

    Tubal pregnancy: Tubal pregnancy is a condition which occurs when embryo implants in your fallopian tube. If this condition left untreated, then the tube can rupture and bleed.
    A blocked or damaged fallopian tube: This is a condition which may cause trouble in getting pregnant.
    A fibroid: Laparoscopic Treatment India is done to diagnose the condition of fibroids which can be performing through ultrasounds. Fibroids are a condition which can cause pain and bleeding.
    Endometriosis (growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus): This condition can also cause pain, bleeding, and trouble while getting pregnant.
    Pelvic organ prolapse: This is a condition in which the female organs drop into or out of the vagina and the best option is the Laparoscopic Treatment India.
    An ovarian cyst or tumor: This is a condition which can cause either pain or other health related problems.
    Incontinence:  Incontinence is a condition where urine leaks involuntarily.

Recovery after Laparoscopic Treatment India

After the Laparoscopy India your surgeon will discharge you on the same day, however, the complete recovery will take place within 1-2 weeks after the Laparoscopy India procedure. Your surgeon will advise you to avoid climbing stairs, lifting heavy weight and physical activities for quicker recovery. You can resume your normal activities once the soreness of the surgical areas is resolved, but you should take care for several weeks. Your surgeons will also advise avoiding intercourse till complete recovery takes place. It is also advisable by your surgeon to wait for three months after the Laparoscopic Treatment India before attempting for conception.

Advantages of Laparoscopic Treatment India

The major advantage of Laparoscopic Treatment India is that it cures your infertility problems and will increase your chances of conceiving a baby. The success rate of Laparoscopic Treatment India is quite high as compared to the success rate of other countries. Till date, the around 75% of women have successful pregnancy following these surgeries.

Laparoscopic Cost in India

The Laparoscopic Costin India is very reasonable if you compare the cost of Laparoscopic Treatment India with other countries you will find a huge variation in cost. This is the reason that people from other Western countries travel to India for their Laparoscopic Treatment India.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Male Infertility Treatment India – A treatment which allows you to conceive a baby

Male infertility is a factor due to which women are unable to conceive a child and the male infertility is a factor which is a factor that is not related to the females. Several factors can lead to male infertility, such as low or poor sperm count, immobile sperm, blockages which prevent the delivery of sperms to semen, abnormal shape of sperm etc. These are the conditions which can occur from illnesses, infections, chronic health problems, injuries etc. and the best option to get rid of these factors is the Male Infertility Treatment Delhi.

Available option for Male Infertility Treatment Delhi

Delhi is a city which offers you wide range of Male Infertility Treatment Delhi which will help you in conceiving your own baby. The following are the available options for Male InfertilityTreatment Delhi:

a)    IUI: IUI is the Male Infertility Treatment Delhi which helps if you are dealing with the decrease in sperm number or function then this procedure may allow conception to occur.
b)    IVF: IVF is the one of the most commonly used procedure for Male Infertility Treatment Delhi in which if your husband is having low sperm count, then your fertility expert will collect your husband washed sperms and then mixed with your eggs which will increase the chances of successful fertilization.

c)    ICSI: ICSI is the best procedure when your husband is dealing with the severe sperm abnormalities of concentration, or shape, then the fertilization is best-assisted method through which your fertility expert will directly inject a single sperm into each egg of yours and this is a technique which is mainly used with severely depressed sperm parameters; where your husband sperm is aspirated directly from the epididymis (PESA) or testicle (TESA). The pregnancy rate with this Male Infertility Treatment Delhi is approximately 60 to 70% percent per cycle.

d)    Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA): In case your husband has no sperm within the ejaculate, due to defective sperm production, then the best Male Infertility Treatment Delhi is TESE. This advanced technique involves taking a biopsy through a small incision in the scrotum.

e)    GIFT (Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer): GIFT is a procedure which is similar to IVF and also the best Male Infertility Treatment Delhi in which the fertilization will occur naturally when your fertility expert will directly place your egg or sperm of your husband inside your fallopian tube.

f)    Surgery: Surgery is the last and best option for Male Infertility Treatment Delhi which will fulfill your dream of having your own baby. If all your other methods are failed to achieve the desired results then your fertility expert will advise you to undergo the surgery.  By having the surgical Male Infertility Treatment Delhi will cure your husband infertility problem which is stopping you from getting pregnant and you conception can take place at your home instead of IVF laboratory.