Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Azoospermia Treatment in India – Hope for Male infertility

Azoospermia is one of the main reasons which have been faced by many couples as a cause of infertility related problems or they are not able to conceive naturally after having an unprotected regular intercourse for more than 12 months. It has been found after researching that in case couple is not able to conceive a baby the whole blame goes to woman only but the truth is many of us didn’t know that every second case out of five is due to male infertility and Azoospermia is one of them a male fertility issue which many male members are facing due to change in their lifestyle, but India is a country which has the best available options for AzoospermiaTreatment in Delhi.

Azoospermia is the male infertility issue which arises in the absence of any sperm in the male ejaculates. It is the condition of a male member who does not have any measurable level of sperm in his semen due to which a fertile woman is not able to conceive. Nowadays Azoospermia has become a common reason for male infertility issues.

Classification of Azoospermia

Azoospermia can be classified into three major types as listed below:

a)    Pretesticular:  Pretesticular is defined by inadequate stimulation of otherwise normal testicles and genital tract. In this classification of Azoospermia Treatment in India, the level of Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is typically low with inadequate stimulation of the testes to produce sperm.

b)    Posttesticular:  In Posttesticular AzoospermiaTreatment in India sperm are produced but not ejaculated, due to blockage in the genital tract. This is the condition by which 7-51% of the male member is affected by the cause of azoospermia.

c)    Testicular: This is the condition where testes are abnormal, atrophic, or absent. Typically, the FSH levels are elevated as feedback loop is interrupted. This is the condition which is found in 49-93% of men with azoospermia cause. In case the FSH level is high then it leads to the low production of sperm and maturation is altered during the process of spermatogenesis.

Azoospermia Treatment in Delhi

Delhi is a city where the doctors have the best Azoospermia Treatment in Delhi however, the Azoospermia Treatment India is depending on the cause.
Male member who is dealing with genetic causes the Azoospermia Treatment in Delhi may be limited to non-existent, depending on their type of genetic defect. In the case of testicular failure, your fertility expert may limit your Azoospermia Treatment in Delhi with hormonal medications. However, if the male member is dealing with the Obstructive azoospermia than your fertility expert will remove the blockage by performing surgery.

Azoospermia Treatment Cost in India

The Azoospermia Treatment Cost in India is very reasonable and people can easily afford the Azoospermia Treatment Cost in India to fulfill their dream of having their own baby. Azoospermia Treatment in India is going to be an important treatment for supporting the overall health and function of the body.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Laparoscopic Treatment India

Laparoscopic Treatment India is a surgical procedure which is performed on the patient’s abdomen through small incisions as compared to larger incision which is made in laparotomy procedure. Laparoscopy India is a procedure in which surgeons will directly visualize the peritoneal cavity, outside the tubes and uterus by using a laparoscopy. The Laparoscopy India is an instrument which looks like a miniature telescope with a fiber optic system that brings light into your abdomen.

Procedure for Laparoscopy India

Laparoscopy India is a procedure in which your surgeon made ½ inch cut at your belly button and then they insert a thin tube in between the muscle fibers without cutting any of the muscle. While performing the Laparoscopic Treatment India your surgeon will give you the general anesthesia by which you will completely be in sleepy mode. The thin tube is equipped with a tiny camera which allows it to send images through a fiber-optic cord to your surgeon monitor. This monitor shows the magnified image with high resolution and your surgeon will able to perform the Laparoscopic Treatment India. After that, your surgeon will take out your uterus and the ovaries, if they are diseased, will be removed. Your surgeon will then close the top of the vagina with stitches. All tissue will be sent to the laboratory to be examined under the microscope and you will be advised to stay in the hospital for about five days. In case your both the ovaries are removed then you may experience the menopausal problems such as hot flushes and dizzy spells. This can be stopped by taking hormone replacement therapy.

Complications after Laparoscopic Treatment India

There are very rare complications after Laparoscopic Treatment India. Most of the patients will recover quickly and resume their normal activities without any problems. With the help of the latest and advanced Laparoscopic Treatment India, the rates of the complication have been decreased over the years. 

Recovery after Laparoscopic Treatment India

Recovery after the Laparoscopic Treatment India depends on various factors such as the age of the patient, procedure performed on the patient and the health of the patient before the procedure. In most of the cases, the patient will resume their normal activities within few days of the Laparoscopic Treatment India. For some patients, the surgeon will restrict the activities for several days and they are allowed to perform the normal activities with few limitations.

Why Laparoscopic Treatment India?

People prefer Laparoscopic Treatment India because here they get the best medical and personal care, especially people from western countries love to travel India for their Laparoscopic Treatment India not because they save lot of money on the treatment but also they enjoyed the stay and the quality of the treatment which has been offered by the experienced and qualified surgeons.

Laparoscopic Cost in India

The Laparoscopic Cost in India is very reasonable when you compare it with western countries and also you will get the personal attention by the laparoscopy surgeons and their team.

Monday, 3 July 2017

What are PGS and PGD in India?

PGS is the Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening which is used to genetically and chromosomally profile the embryo prior to implantation. This is a technique which the fertility expert of yours is used to assess if there is any defect in the growth of an embryo or carries any congenital diseases. This is the way in which your fertility expert will chose the best embryo to implant which reduces the probability of an unhealthy foetus.

PGD in India is the Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis which is used to identify the genetic defects in the embryo created through IVF before pregnancy. PGD in India is a treatment which refers to couples when one or both genetic parents has a genetic abnormality and your fertility expert will identify it by testing on an embryo to determine if the embryo also carries the genetic abnormality.

How PGS and PGD in India performed?

PGS is the one step of an IVF cycle which happens after the egg collection, where the sperms and eggs are mixed together to form an embryo. The PGS is the procedure which is applied at this stage where the genetic make-up of the embryo is analyzed and your fertility expert will implant the best embryo into your uterus followed by an embryo transfer procedure.

PGD in India is a process which begins with normal IVF procedure that includes the egg retrieval and fertilization with sperm in the laboratory. After three days the developing embryo will be divided into eight cells. In the first step, your fertility expert will remove one or two cells from the embryo and then they evaluate to determine if the gene is present in the embryo. Once your fertility expert will perform the PGD in India procedure and your embryo is free from genetic problems then the same will be implanted back into your uterus in order to achieve the successful pregnancy. Any suitable remaining unaffected embryos can be frozen for later use. 

Success rate of PGS and PGD in India

The success rate of PGS has made incredible results in India and the women who are under age of 35 years has 80% of normal eggs and 20% of abnormal eggs, however, the success rate of PGD in India is difficult to identify as most of the people use the PGD in India treatment not because they have fertility problems but because they want to avoid the child with genetic disorder.
The success rate of PGD in India depends on several factors such as the age of the women, factors affecting infertility etc. 

PGS and PGD Cost in India

The IVF with PGS and PGD Cost in India is very reasonable as compare to other countries and this is the reason that number of people love to travel in India for their PGS and PGD in India because India is a country where the fertility experts are highly skilled and experienced in the field of fertility management and achieved the highest success rate in complex fertility treatment as well.