Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Hysteroscopy in India – An Eye inside uterus

Hysteroscopy in India is a surgical procedure which is done by your fertility expert by inserting a telescope inside your uterus to examine the uterine lining and treat the causes which may be leading to infertility. Hysteroscopy in India can be either diagnostic or operative.

a)    Diagnostic Hysteroscopy: Diagnostic Hysteroscopy in India is used to confirm the results of other tests such as hysterosalpingography (HSG). This is an x-ray which is done to check the uterus and fallopian tubes. Many fertility experts will perform a vaginal ultrasound as a diagnostic aid. Diagnostic hysteroscopy in India is usually conducted on a day-care basis with either general or local anesthesia and the fertility experts will take around 30 minutes to perform the Diagnostic Hysteroscopy.

b)    Operative Hysteroscopy: This is a procedure which is used to correct an abnormal condition which has been detected by your surgeon during diagnostic hysteroscopy. This abnormal condition will be treated by performing the operative hysteroscopy at the same time to avoid the second surgery. During the operative hysteroscopy procedure, the small instruments are used to correct abnormalities, such as a uterine septum, may also be corrected through the hysteroscope.

Procedure to perform Hysteroscopy in Delhi

The Hysteroscopy in Delhi is performed in the hospital and the procedure is best performed when the endometrium is relatively thin, which is after a menstruation. The first step of the Hysteroscopy in Delhi is the involvement of the cervical dilatation by stretching and opening the cervix canal by using a series of dilators. After the completion of the dilatation of the cervix, the hysteroscope and a narrow lighted telescope will be passed through the cervix and into the end of your uterus. After that, your surgeon will use a clear solution or carbon dioxide gas which is then injected into your uterus through the instrument. With the help of the solution or gas, the uterine cavity will expand and also it clears the blood and mucus away, which helps your surgeon to view directly the internal structure of your uterus.

After this your surgeon will examines the lining of your uterine cavity and also look for the internal openings of your fallopian tubes through which they can enter into your uterine cavity. Your surgeon will then perform a surgical scraping inside your uterine cavity after the hysteroscopy is sent for pathologic examination.

Recovery after Hysteroscopy in India

After the Hysteroscopy in India some patients may experience cramping during their menstrual period; and some vaginal staining for several days. You can resume your normal activities within one or two days after your Hysteroscopy in India. Your surgeon will advise you to avoid the sexual intercourse for a few days or for as long as bleeding occurs.

Hysteroscopy Cost in India

The Hysteroscopy Cost in India is not an expensive procedure and people can easily afford the Hysteroscopy in India. Many people travel to India to have their Hysteroscopy in Delhi or Hysteroscopy in Mumbai because of reasonable cost and quality treatment.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Embryo Freezing Process India

Embryo Freezing India is popularly known as Embryo Cryopreservation. It is the procedure where unused embryos are stored in liquid nitrogen at sub-zero temperature for later use in IVF treatment cycle or for egg donation. Embryo Freezing India is a procedure which is generally performed as a component of IVF and ICSI procedures. During IVF procedure women superovulated and produce many eggs as compare to normal ovulation, and your fertility expert will use one or two embryos for pregnancy to reduce the risk of multiple pregnancies, the rest of the embryos are stored for later use.

The Embryo Freezing Process India is a very delicate process and the main purpose of this procedure is to remove the water without damaging the eggs. Once the water is removed safely and the egg will cool at very low-temperature which is around -0.3 C per minute till the time it has been fully frozen. Embryo Freezing Delhi is the very complex procedure and can only be performed by the highly skilled and experienced embryologist. All unused embryos are not stored for later use, as most of them dead, only the embryos which are strongest are stored for later use. The couple who do not wish undergo for the complete IVF cycle can be benefited by the Embryo Freezing Delhi process and the pregnancy rate is similar with fresh or frozen embryos.

For how long an embryo can be stored?

The exact period no one knows that for how long the embryo can be stored, however, the study says the maximum period for which the human embryo can be stored is around 25-30 years. It totally depends on the couple if they wish to use their stored embryo in future or they donate their embryo to another couple so that they can complete their family without undergoing for the IVF cycle. Some patients come after 10-12 years and the embryos have been thawed successfully and created healthy babies.

Can Embryo Freezing Mumbai damage the embryos?

While the embryologists in Mumbai take full care to protect your embryos during the Embryo Freezing Mumbai procedure, some embryos may have one or more dead cells after they have been thawed, however, till date the Embryo Freezing Mumbai survival rate is around 98% after warming vitrified embryos. According to the embryologists in Mumbai, the thawed embryo is having a normal chance of implanting after transfer.

What is the Embryo Freezing Cost in India?

The Embryo Freezing Cost in India is very reasonable and the most of the Embryo Freezing Cost in India is accounted for by the manpower required to maintain and manage the inventory of stored embryos. Embryologists will receive the special training in handling the liquid nitrogen and maintaining the frozen embryo bank. The Embryo Freezing Cost in India ranges between USD 10,000 to USD 12,000 for one cycle and storing the embryos for later use will costs you around USD 1000 per year. However, if you compare the Embryo Freezing Cost in India with western countries then you will find a huge difference in costs.

Monday, 12 June 2017

What is IUI Treatment India?

IUI Treatment India is a fertility treatment in which your husband sperms will be placed into your uterus to facilitate fertilization. The IUI Treatment India is designed to increase the sperm number so that the sperms will reach to your fallopian tubes and increase the chances of fertilization. IUI Treatment India helps the sperm by pushing them; however, still sperm requires reaching and fertilizing the egg on its own. The IUI Treatment India is a less invasive and less expensive treatment when compared to other assisted reproductive methods.

How IUI Treatment India performed?

Before you begin with IUI Treatment India the ovulation-stimulating medications may be given to you by your fertility experts that help them to monitor the maturity of the eggs in your ovaries. The IUI India procedure will be performed around the time of ovulation, about 24-36 hours after the surge in LH hormone which indicates that the ovulation will occur soon. 

After that, your fertility expert will remove your husband sperms from the seminal fluid by processing the semen in the laboratory and then the sperm is injected directly into your uterine cavity. The IUI Treatment India helps in maximizing the number of sperm cells which are placed into your uterus and will increase the chances of the conception.

The IUI India procedure will take only a few minutes to complete and after the treatment you will experience minimal discomfort. The next step is to watch for signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

Success Rate of IUI Treatment India

The success of IUI Treatment India depends on several factors such as the age of the women, cause of infertility, fertility drugs used for the treatment etc. If you have the IUI India procedure performed each month then the success rates may reach as high as around 45 to 55% per cycle for the women under age of 35 years and this success rate will dip down to 25 to 35% in case women age is over 40 years.

Risk of IUI Treatment India

The major risk of IUI Treatment India is the multiple pregnancies. Since you are superovulated and more than one egg of yours get fertilized which results into twins, or triplets or even quadruplets. Your fertility expert is unable to control the growth of follicles which results in the risk of multiple pregnancies even more after IUI Treatment India rather than IVF treatment.

IUI Treatment Cost India
The IUI Treatment Cost India varies from clinic to clinic; however, the estimated IUI Treatment Cost India ranges between USD 500 to USD 1000 for the entire treatment cycle. However, if you use the gonadotropin injections for superovulation then the IUI Treatment Cost India will increase to USD 2500, however, if you compare the cost of IUI Treatment India with other countries you will find a huge difference in costs.
IUI India is a simple, inexpensive and effective form of therapy, and can be first tried by the couples before going on to more expensive treatment options.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

IVF Treatment in India – A hope of new beginning for infertile couples

The IVF Treatment in India is the best fertility treatment for the couples who are unable to conceive naturally after having an unprotected intercourse for more than 12 months. This new technique of the medical science has given a hope to many infertile couples who are failed to conceive naturally.
IVF Treatment India is a process where your eggs are mixed with your husband sperm or sperm donor in the laboratory for fertilization and once the fertilization is completed the fertilized egg will be transfer into your uterus to establish the successful pregnancy.

Steps for IVF Treatment India

Following are the steps which are followed by the IVF Centre India to achieve the successful outcome of the fertility treatment.

a)    Suppress monthly cycle:  At IVF Centre India, your fertility expert will give you some fertility drugs to suppress your normal monthly cycle and this fertility drugs will continue for about two weeks.

b)    Boosting the egg supply: The fertility experts at IVF Centre India will boost up your eggs by giving you the gonadotropin injection which will continue for about 12 days to increase the number of the eggs produced.

c)    Monitoring: The fertility experts at IVF Centre India will monitor the progress of your ovaries with the help of ultrasound scan and blood tests. They will give you the gonadotropin injection between 34 and 38 hours to mature the eggs before the collection.

d)    Egg Collection: Your fertility expert at IVF Centre India will use the hollow needle attached to the ultrasound probe to collect the egg from your ovaries. While collecting the eggs from ovaries you will experience some discomfort or pain. After that, your fertility expert will give you some fertility drugs which will help you to prepare yourself for embryo transfer.

e)    Egg Fertilization: This is the most important step of the IVF Treatment in India where your eggs are mixed with your husband or sperm donor sperm to facilitate fertilization. Once the fertilization occurs your embryologist will choose the best embryo to transfer into your uterus.

f)    Embryo Transfer: The last and final step of the IVF Treatment in India is the embryo transfer into your uterus to achieve the successful pregnancy. In case your age is above 40 years than your embryologist will transfer maximum three embryos to increase the chance of pregnancy. The transfers of the embryos are restricted due to multiple birth defects.

Success Rate of IVF India

The success rate of IVF Treatment in India depends on the various factors such as the age of the women, fertility drugs used by the IVF Centre India, reason of infertility etc., however, apart from these factors the success rate of the IVF Treatment in India is 70-80% for the women under age of 35 years and this percentage will dip down to 40-50% if the age of the women is over 40 years.